A Small gift, A wood chipped Impresion.

- It has been said many times its the thought that counts

make a impresion that last , a wood chipped impresion  a gift

made from wood as a expresion of a thank you,apprecaitoon friendship

or love-

  Who does not want to be thought of as cool? dont most people like award power it would be suffiecent to say that most person like power of suprise, shock. a gift  even if the gift is small novelty carry wood items  such a wooden whislte a flute a wood feather with a note in a candy coffee mug  a gift lets a peson know that your thinking of them that your feel towards and for some one.

When making your wood gifts always think of saftey first choking hazards are the first think that is usaully stamped on prodcuts all around the world should a wood whistle have a opening where the mouth piece is pesonally the author of this blog would not have a opening where the whistles mouth piece is there are many miniscule  very tiny very small pieces of would in the whistle. think of making items such as key fobs christmas tree ornaments the door stop retro tape door  jammer the key chain hangers brown bear door decoration.

Think and think again how will a person or person feel towards you for having given a person or group of persons a gift made from wood from you. think of persons that you network with think about persons that have just moved into town think of persons who have jsut had a grand opening or second ggrand openoing think of the chamber of comerce what about score senior core of retired executices or toast masters. 

Concerning wood gifts could you wrap the gift with craft paper and jute twine or could you place it in a box as a recomendation ''spring fill kraft fine paper shred''  gifts could be purchased wholesale or bulk and that could be key fobs.

Always use high quality materials:

List of ideas to create concerning wood gifts

Hand carved Figures



Planters Keepsake boxes

 candle holders

Tea light candle with wooden disc place holder


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