The Creative Wood worker
-One idea a hammer and nails is where it all begins. Probably where it began for many the Trees are worthy of something Clocks have been made from square shapes, oval, to prized grandfathers clocks. Paper came from trees. create a mind map or list of goals- Do all that you can do, where you are, with what you have, and better tools will be found along the way, Its a statement that is well known and it has been heard and read in books many times. To the novice woodworker inspired enthusiast there never will be a perfect time to begin something, to wait for everything to be just rite, or perfect is nonsense. To wait to post pone is to wait a very long time. Every where you are, your thoughts are there with you. You are on the leading edge of thought there is a old story of a City elder who left the out skirts of a City into the desert for a few hours in a state of indecision, and walked back into the city with definiteness, and ...